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Videos, videos and more videos

On Monday we had two lectures about my favorite subject, visuality! First it was Faysal Hasan's turn. He has his own photography company so he knew what he was talking about. He pointed out that it is important to choose your category if you want to have your own photography company. (For example animal or wedding photography). He also said that it takes money to make money. With that he meant that for example you need to buy equipment which is not cheap. "Starting kit" could cost around 10 000€! That is quite expensive. Mr Hasan also highlighted that it is important to think big. I think that it was a great thing to say.

Everyone can be a photographer!

Second lecurer was also familiar to us. He was Pekka Tuominen from DigiPeople Studio. He told us about the importance of video marketing. A familiar subject to our group! He said that every company should act like a news agency - always publishing something. Especially stories because people love stories. Great content spreads easily. Mr Tuominen also said that he thinks that every company should have their own producer and a graphic designer creating pictures. So why videos? There was for example a research where 67% had chosen video over text. Videos also improves conversion. If a company has produced videos they will have 6-30% better sales. I think that that is an interesting fact. I dind't know that it would affect that much. It was also interesting to hear that making videos is not that expensive. Basically only one man and his equipment could be enough for not that big videos.

Mr Tuominen also had some good tips for compenies:

- don't bury videos behind links

- have a consistant visual design

- always have your videos on Youtube!

- dare to try to be different

- don't make too long videos

- have target groups

Task that was given to us on Monday

It might not be a surprise that we made a video again! Here is a link to that. It was really fun to make that video.

Other task was from Pekka Tuominen. We had to make synopses for Musti&Mirri and Onnibussi. It was mostly fun to think and create them but we quickly realised that it can be hard also. But in the end I think that we created some great synopses. I will tell more about them later!

On Thursday we had Network to Get Work day in Leppävaara. I went there and had a hops conversation with Ilkka Kurkela. I got a migraine attack and I had to go home early. It would have been interesting to hear lectures!

FTS13 making the video

Remember that it is all about your motivation! You are able to do great things.


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